Mar 23, 2016
This week friends discuss: Katt Williams calling on Chris Rock,
Talib Kweli vs Gene Simmons, The state of black boy bands, Supreme
Court shenanigans, The Iron Fist character is a white man, and why
Xbox Exec parties are for men only.
Featured Guests: Godfrey - @midnight, The Nightly Show, and a
recurring role on "Louie; Erin Jackson-"Last Comic Standing",
Co-host for "Exhale" on Aspire TV, NFL Network's Top Ten; Pat
Brown- BET, The Movie "White Water", Winner of the Las Vegas Comedy
Festival, Comedy writer,
Always Hosted by Marina Franklin: "Trainwreck", "Louie Season
V","The Jim Gaffigan Show" and "Conan O'Brien".